Ford Escort Cortina

Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Sides NEW L+R sides pair or single

Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Sides NEW L+R sides pair or single
Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Sides NEW L+R sides pair or single
Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Sides NEW L+R sides pair or single

Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Sides NEW L+R sides pair or single   Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Sides NEW L+R sides pair or single

Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Side panels manufactured by Ex-Pressed Steel Panels. We are the worlds largest manufacturers of Cortina MK2 panels. Made in the UK with British steel, pressed from original panel with correct contours and hand-finished in our workshop.

Also available made to order from our website. We specialise in the manufacture of a wide range of discontinued. And unobtainable classic car panels for many makes produced from.
Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Sides NEW L+R sides pair or single   Ford Cortina MK2 Bulkhead Sides NEW L+R sides pair or single