Ford Escort Cortina

Ford Cortina MK2 Rear Lower Corners (both sides available)

Ford Cortina MK2 Rear Lower Corners (both sides available)
Ford Cortina MK2 Rear Lower Corners (both sides available)
Ford Cortina MK2 Rear Lower Corners (both sides available)

Ford Cortina MK2 Rear Lower Corners (both sides available)    Ford Cortina MK2 Rear Lower Corners (both sides available)
Ford Cortina MK2 rear lower corner panels manufactured by Ex-Pressed Steel Panels. We are the worlds largest manufacturers of Cortina MK2 panels. Made in the UK with British steel, pressed from original panel with correct contours and hand-finished in our workshop.

Also available made to order from our website. We specialise in the manufacture of a wide range of discontinued.

And unobtainable classic car panels for many makes produced from.

Ford Cortina MK2 Rear Lower Corners (both sides available)    Ford Cortina MK2 Rear Lower Corners (both sides available)